Sunday, April 10, 2016

You Can Call Me Hulk

As posts from last summer show, Justus and I did a lot of landscaping. The landscaping continues this year, but we got smart and will be paying for part of it to be done this time (more on that later). When the snow cleared we were shocked how much mulch on the south side of the house ended up in the yard. The rain, wind, and snow of the season did a number to our mulch. The landscaping had big patches of missing mulch and the yard looked like crap (literally looked like a lot of dog crap in the yard due to the brown mulch).

The mulch situation was driving me crazy, so finally decided to tackle the issue last Sunday. We picked the windiest day ever to embark on this spring cleaning. I ended up with mulch in my hair, teeth, ears, you name it!  We cleaned up all the mulch and got rid of it in big garbage bags (thankfully someone came and took it thanks to Norwalk Facebook). Justus attempted to Shot-Vac the yard to get the mulch up. I am sure that was quite the site to those driving by! Don't worry, there is a picture below. I raked at least five, 5-gallon buckets worth of mulch. There is still more out there to get even, but have to wait for my blisters to heal.

Our next task was to borrow the neighbors truck and go get a different kind of mulch at Lowes. We came in for a lunch break before heading to Lowes and Justus asked, "Why don't we just buy rock?! It won't blow away." We looked online and rock ended up being on sale at Menards and cost the same amount as a bag of mulch. Seemed like a no brainer since the south side of the house is like a wind tunnel. We loaded up the truck with 1,500 lbs of river pebbles (30 bags at 50lbs each). We had to load the truck, unload the truck, and then I carried all 30 bags to their location. Hence the title of this blog- it was some heavy lifting! I achieved all of this while Orly was on my wrist with the leash and Justus was in watching TV having a beer. Just kidding! The Orly part is true, but Justus took the truck to get more mulch since we couldn't weigh down the truck more than 1,500 lbs at a time.

Hours later, a lot of lifting, and some dirty hands and puppy we were done! It will take some epic wind to move that landscaping now!

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